Arhive etichetă | award

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

Hello lovers!




First of all, I would like to say a special ‘Thank you!’ to Dear kitty for nominating me.

The rules are:

Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site. Put the Award logo on your blog. Answer the ten questions sent to you. Make ten new questions for your nominees to answer. Nominate seven blogs.

The questions I was asked and my answers:

1. Where do most visits to your blog come from?

Besides Romania, my most views are from Netherlands. I was pretty surprised by this fact. 🙂

2. What is your favorite sport?

I love to play Badminton.

3. What has been a special moment for you in 2014?

The most special moment was when I met the man who changed my life!

4. What is your favorite quote?

One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, it never regains it’s first dimensions.

5. What was your favorite class when still at school?

Hmmm…. It was the English class.

6. Anything you had wished to have learned earlier?

To speak in German and that childhood has an expire date even if we pretend it doesn’t.

7. What musical instrument have you tried to play?

None. And it’s disappointing.

8. What has been a special moment for you in 2015?

In 2015 it was my 1 year anniversary with the same man I told you about 😉

9. Which person, whom you have never met, would you like to meet?

There are so many: Christian Siriano (fashion designer), Farha (poker player), Margaret Thatcher (politician), Morgan Freeman (actor)…

10. Which animal, which you have not seen yet, would you like to see?

One of the items on my bucket list is to see whales in their natural habitat.

My questions for the nominees:

1. What are you most afraid of?

2. What was your dream job when you were a child?

3. Which is your favorite cousine and why? (Italian, French, Turkish…)

4. Do you believe that aliens exist?

5. What is your favorite TV show?

6. Do you believe in love at first sight?

7. What was the most embarrassing moment you ever lived?

8. Where would you like to travel next?

9. How hard is for you to take a major decision?

10. What is your plan for 2015?

I nominate:

Be like water 


say hello to gorgeous

Roxana Barla

Julia castorp

Crazy Mom journal

simple & interesting

Thank you all!

Versatile Blogger Award

Hello lovers!





I have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award and I need to thank Dear Kitty. Some blog for that! It was a nice surprise for my „comeback” . 🙂


Here are the rules:

• Display the Award Certificate on your website
• Announce your win with a post and link to whoever presented your award
• Present 15 awards to deserving bloggers
• Drop them a comment to tip them off after you’ve linked them in the post
• Post 7 interesting things about yourself (in WordPress as well)

Seven things about me? Hmmmm…

1.  The top 7 posts on my blog are:

Cele mai ciudate fructe
Filme de vazut
Produse cosmetice indispensabile
Cel mai scump parfum din lume
Sutiene vs barbati
Fulgii de ovaz impotriva iritatiilor inghinale, iar sutienul potrivit iti schimba viata!
Am acceptat provocarea – 7 curiozitati/secrete despre mine AWARD

2. The funniest search terms for my blog were:

efecte fulgi ovaz, borat, beer house, fruct fals, flori de ananas, incomoditate in viata de cuplu (this one cracked me up 🙂 ), cum folosesc lush body conditioner, canapea theo, frunte lata barbati, film se rupe virgina, cum se scrie celofan. :)))))))

Cross my heart and hope to die, this i so true.


3. The top views by country are:

Romania FlagRomania 6,488
United States FlagUnited States 392
United Kingdom FlagUnited Kingdom 239
Moldova, Republic of FlagMoldova 227
Italy FlagItaly 178
Germany FlagGermany 139
Spain FlagSpain 93


4. The best comment I have ever received:

La Mulți Ani !, doar zile fericite și pline de iubire îți dorim, alături de cele mai calde și sincere urări de sănătate și împliniri în viața profesională și socială !
Acesta este un mesaj „clasic” pe care nu numai bunul simț ci și aprecierea pe care o simțim în ceea ce te privește, transformă „corvoada” și „rutina” trecerii prin astfel de aniversări într-o plăcere reală și sinceră.
Dar dacă, din motive independente de voința ta și-a noastră, urările noastre nu te vor găsi în cea mai bună dispoziție sau stare sufletească, dacă feluritele și de multe ori nemeritatele amprente ale vieții nu te-au atins în ultimele zile într-un mod tocmai fericit, te rugăm să crezi, și să speri că TREBUIE să existe o lege a compensației, o lege care va face să vină și o zi începând cu care, toate anotimpurile să îți devină calde primăveri, învăluite în parfum de flori de câmp și începând cu care toate zilele să îți devină fericite și pline de iubire zile de „8 Martie”.
Cu drag, Diana și Dan.

5. I have noticed that my readers and followers, enjoy the most those posts with a personal and critical touch.

6. I consider blogging an achievement, thanks to you ladies and gentlemen.

7. I wish to start vlogging any time soon. Fingers crossed!


And now, I will nominate a couple of bloggers that always write about things that catch my eye instantly:


The Guru has a blog 




La femme

Alina Raus



Literature and culture 

Amalia Buhaev



In love with fashion and beauty 

Nina design

Good night lovers!